The terms and conditions (T&C) of TD INFRATECH are a legal agreement between the website owner and users or customers. These terms outline the rules, responsibilities, and rights of both parties involved in transactions and interactions on the platform. While the specifics can vary depending on the nature of the TD INFRATECH business, here are common elements that are typically included in the terms and conditions of TD INFRATECH:

  1. Acceptance of Terms:
    • Users are required to agree to the terms and conditions before using the website or making a purchase.
  2. User Accounts:
    • Information on user registration and account creation.
    • User responsibilities for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information.
  3. Product Information:
    • Accurate descriptions of products and services.
    • Pricing details, including taxes and fees.
  4. Ordering and Payment:
    • Process for placing orders.
    • Accepted payment methods.
    • Billing and payment details.
  5. Shipping and Delivery:
    • Information on shipping methods.
    • 3-7 Days After Payment
    • Shipping costs and conditions.
  6. Returns and Refunds:
    • Conditions under which returns are accepted.
    • Refund policies.
    • Procedures for handling defective or damaged products.
  7. Intellectual Property:
    • Protection of the website’s content, trademarks, and copyrights.
    • Restrictions on the use of intellectual property by users.
  8. Privacy Policy:
    • Details on how user data is collected, stored, and used.
    • Information on cookies and tracking technologies.
  9. Liability and Disclaimers:
    • Limitations of the website owner’s liability.
    • Disclaimers regarding product warranties.
    • Clarification of the website owner’s role as an intermediary.
  10. Dispute Resolution:
    • Procedures for resolving disputes between the user and the website owner.
    • Arbitration or mediation clauses.
  11. Termination of Accounts:
    • Conditions under which the website owner can terminate user accounts.
    • User responsibilities upon termination.
  12. Changes to Terms and Conditions:
    • Statement that the terms and conditions may be updated or modified.
    • Notification procedures for informing users of changes.
  13. Governing Law:
    • Specification of the jurisdiction and governing law that applies to the agreement.
  14. Firm:
    • This firm is a sole proprietorship of Poonam Tiwari.